Bourne Woods and Farnham Heath

Our regular First Sunday of the Month walk for November explored Farnham Heath and the edges of Bourne Wood.

Although there was a brisk wind at times we enjoyed blue skies and warm sunshine that highlighted the autumnal colours of the heathland and the statuesque pine. Led by Gordon Jackson and Colin Crofts, our party of 30 (and two dogs) enjoyed a gentle walk through the heathland which is owned and maintained by the RSPB.

En route we stopped to admire the sculptures that are a legacy of the annual Surrey Hills Arts Heathland Trail run in partnership with the University of Creative Arts in Farnham.

The highlight of the walk involved a short climb to Walter Bailey’s House of Invisible Hands, which the artist sees as a shrine to those whose labours shaped the landscape of Surrey in the making of forest glass during mediaeval times. This practise involved working within the forest using the raw materials of the landscape to keep the furnaces going.

The views to the South from this forest artwork are truly stunning and it was a perfect day to appreciate the beauty of the Surrey Hills landscape. 

We all had a most enjoyable morning exploring in the west of Surrey.  Next month’s free walk is over in Dorking.

Thank you to all who shared their photos for everyone to enjoy.






Gordon Jackson, Chairman



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