Explore Waverley’s Inspiring Views

Torrential rain cleared for our “Inspiring Views Walk” in The Hurtwood and Winterfold Hill, names as poetic and imaginative as the poetry and music that have been created to accompany and enhance the experience of the quirky seat sculptures on The Greensand Way, funded by The Mittal Foundation. As someone who knows and appreciates this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the viewpoints where the seats are located, I have to say that for me nothing more than that which nature has already provided is necessary, but thanks anyway for somewhere to sit!  I am all for keeping sculptors, poets and musicians in work and this has been achieved, I would add at the additional cost of a booklet (how many trees were felled for this) explaining what was going through their minds. The walk was delightful and the gods were on our side as the heavens once again opened as we came to the end of our trail.  The Surrey Hills Society brilliantly provides great opportunities to see, experience and learn more about the diverse aspects of this most sylvan beautiful county.

Heather Aitken, SHS member




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