Girl Guides receive Surrey Hills Hedgerow Badge


Last weekend 6th Woking Rangers, Guides and Brownies along with parents joined forces with Surrey Hills Society to plant 1800 plants in a new mixed native hedgerow for farmer Jim, in the Surrey Hills.


‘What an incredible experience, a great Sunday morning out in the fresh air, amazing to be part of something that will be there for years to come’.

‘Lots of happy faces, with a very well organised event, we achieved more that we thought’.

The feedback from the girls and parents who felt such pride and a phenomenal sense of success , with the girls buzzing from the experience.

Hedgerows are such an important part of our ecosystems and to be able to volunteer a Sunday morning to such an important activity: increasing connectivity for wildlife; providing a future home and assisting with carbon capture are all so vital.


GirlGuiding World Thinking Day for Girl Guides and Scouts around the world is the 22nd February, our founders birthday. It is a time to think about each other as a world movement and the important issues we all face. The theme this year is ‘Our World, Our Thriving Future.’


At 6th Woking we had a extremely incredible experience learning what we can do to build a better future along with understanding what we can do in support and be part of a better environmentally sustainable world by taking small steps but very important ones for our planet.

We are enormously indebted to Surrey Hills for giving us this opportunity and we would highly recommend whatever age you are to support local communities and farmers to take these small steps for a better future for us all.

‘A Guide respects all living things and takes care of the world around her’.


Article written by 6th Woking Leader – Julie Laidlaw.

Surrey Hills Society lead – Christa Emmett, Project and Volunteer Coordinator



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