North Downs Way project with BBC Surrey

We thought you would be interested to know that our President, Chris Howard and Vice President, Ken Bare have been working with BBC Surrey on a complex project which will form a major component of Surrey Day – which takes places on Saturday 7th May this year.

They have organised and hosted a four day walk along the North Downs Way from Farnham to Botley Hill accompanied by a BBC reporter and a BBC senior sound engineer/producer.

Along the way there have been interviews with numerous people including the Lord Lieutenant, NDW Trail Manager, local producers and business owners plus walkers whom they have met along the way.

Mark Carter’s monthly Surrey Show will preview the NDW walk this Sunday 24th at 17.30.

The interviews will be starting on Monday 25th April and for the next two weeks in the build-up to Surrey Day. You can tune into Radio Surrey (104.0 FM) and listen to them as follows:

07.45 – every day where they tell the story of the NDW walk.

08.40 – daily listen to head-to-head interviews with the producers and key people along the route.

14.40 – same as 07.45, telling the story of the NDW walk (this will also be on Radio Sussex)

07.45 – Saturday Breakfast, previewing NDW walk this weekend (and then telling part six of the story on April 30)

We hope you enjoy listening and hearing more about the Surrey Hills.



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