We thought it would be nice to celebrate the Surrey Hills and although we can’t get out into them at the moment, many of us have photographs and special memories. We are therefore having a competition and asking you all to send us up to three photographs that most encapsulate what the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty means to you.
The competition will be judged by me, and our two Vice Presidents, Chris Howard and Ken Bare. The winner will receive a bottle of wine from one of our Surrey Hills Wine Producers. To get the Gallery started Chris, Ken and I have included some of our favourite photographs, although these will not of course be entered into the competition. These and all of your photographs can be seen in our Events section of the website – click here Please send the photographs by email to info@surreyhillssociety.org, ensuring that you give us your name so that appropriate credit for the photographs can be given. Images may be landscape or portrait shaped and please let us know where they were taken. Entries must be submitted by 15 May 2020 and the winner will be announced on Monday 25 May 2020.
Entrants will retain the copyright in their photographs, but by entering they consent to the Surrey Hills Society and the Surrey Hills AONB reproducing them on their respective websites and on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
To see entries submitted so far, please visit our Events page which we have temporarily converted into a Gallery.
Our competition is now closed for entries – judging is in progress.
Stay safe, stay well and most important, let’s dream of our wonderful Surrey Hills.
Gordon Jackson