A FREE Community Forum for parish councils, community groups in the Surrey Hills and all Surrey Hills Society members.
About this event
The Surrey Hills AONB Board and the Surrey Association of Local Councils will be hosting an online Community Forum for parish councils and community groups on Thursday 29 July.
This will be an opportunity to hear about the Surrey Hills Boundary Extension, Making Space for Nature – Greening Communities and the work of the Surrey Hills Family.
Welcome and introduction
Liz Cutter, Vice President of SALC and Surrey Hills AONB Board
Update on the Surrey Hills
Rob Fairbanks, Surrey Hills AONB Director
Surrey Hills Boundary Extension
Heather Kerswell,Surrey Hills AONB Chair
Clive Smith, Surrey Hills Planning Adviser
Making Space for Nature – Greening Communities
Liz Cutter, Vice President of SALC and Surrey Hills AONB Board
Caroline Price, Surrey Hills AONB
Anne Bott,Deputy CEO SALC
To book a place, visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/surrey-hills-community-forum-2021-tickets-160542118799