Following the recent announcement of our Queens Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS), we received an invitation from the Chairman of Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) to attend their full meeting on 9th July. Chris Howard, Ken Bare and Martin Cantor represented the Society and Ken talked for a few minutes over a slide show about the role of the Society and the importance of all the work done by our volunteers.
Mary Huggins, the Chairman of MVDC, then presented the Society with a certificate to recognise our achievement.
The slideshow/talk can be found as part of the MVDC webcast click here with the relevant section beginning about 10 minutes into the recording.
It was also pleasing that Carmel O’Shea from the Dorking based Patchworking Garden was also presented with a certificate for their QAVS. The Society has visited the garden on two occasions and one of our key volunteers is also a core volunteer of that group – mainly as a result of being on our first visit there.