Surrey Hills Society starts off 2022 with a free walk around Farnham


On a sunny Sunday 9th January 37 members of the Society joined us to explore the wonderful, historic market town of Farnham.

Known as a popular Georgian market town in the far west of the Surrey Hills AONB, it actually has a history stretching back to the Stone Age.



If you look closely many of the Georgian frontages are merely facades to much older properties that were gentrified during this prosperous time.



The town continues to thrive with an active Town Council that supports it award winning Farnham in Bloom and variety of festivals, often in partnership with The Maltings – the town’s cultural centre. There is also a surprising number of independent shops, cafes and restaurants that all add to the vibrancy of the place.


The town is also home to the University of the Creative Arts which works with Surrey Hills Arts each year to install students work on the Farnham heathland near Tilford. Art work is spotted all over the town and gives the place a real vibe.

Many of our members today had never been to Farnham, and all said they would definitely be coming back for a more detailed look around in the near future.



Today’s walk was led by our President, Chris Howard and Vice President Ken Bare with assistance from Jeff Holliday, Gordon Jackson and Sall Baring.




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