Enchanting Dunsborough Park Gardens

Photo album of an enchanting afternoon


Baron Sweerts de Landas Wyborgh welcomes us to his gardens.


An amazing collection of tulips! The family is of Dutch origin.


Look at the size of the flowers!


A beautiful spring flower meadow.


Charming water feature at the back of the garden with an astonishing stone bridge.


The Society Chairman and the Chairman of the Events Committee were happy to participate!

WP_20160426_027Surrey Hill Society event cannot finish without a cream tea! We tasted Dutch specialities and hoped that the menacing clouds would wait until our charming afternoon was over. Which they did. A few snow flakes!! were falling down when we left the gardens.

A visit to Redhill Aerodrome

“We all had a marvellous and relaxing day out at Redhill. Thanks to all who organised it. I hate airports, but love aerodromes like the one SHS visited at Redhill.” – John Darling
“We thoroughly enjoyed yesterday. Fantastic visit to well hidden Redhill Aerodrome and outstanding talk on the Air Ambulance service stationed there.” – Sue Boyman
“As newcomers to the area, we had no idea Redhill Airfield even existed and particularly enjoyed the talks about the Air Ambulance Service which were inspiring.” – John R Trout
Ben (para-medic) with air ambulanceBen (para-medic) with air ambulance
dove 2Dove
kssaa screen & chequeIntriguing talk and a cheque to thank for their hospitality