This event is fully booked. If you wish to have your name on our waiting list, please let us know via email or contact form.
14th July 2021, 10:00 - 15:30
How many villages can boast the existence of three greens? Buckland can and Duncan Ferns, author of the book Buckland 1000 – 2000 with 2020 Vision will be our guide for the day and explain how this came about.
Our first port of call, and the place where we will assemble, will be at Duncan’s own house. When he bought the house, he also acquired a dilapidated wind-driven sawmill in the garden, which he restored into working condition. We will enjoy a cup of coffee in the garden (also worth a visit in its own right) while small groups can go into the windmill, which is the only one of its type remaining in the UK.
From here, we will go to the church of St Mary the Virgin. There has been evidence of a church on this site since the 14th Century, but it was extensively refurbished by the architect Henry Woodyer in 1860. A short walk down Rectory Lane on the other side of the green will take us past some fascinating ancient buildings and evidence of an earlier centre of the village. On returning to the green, we will view some of the old and interesting buildings there too. Up to this point, the walking is almost entirely on paved surfaces although Rectory Lane is a gentle hill – down on the way and climb back up.
From here, there is a walk of about 20 – 30 minutes across the fields with views of the North Downs to arrive at the entrance to Park Lake. This will require stout footwear especially if it has been wet in the preceding days. There are some stiles to negotiate en route. As an alternative you can rejoin your car at this point and drive to the lake.
The lake is being developed as a recreational area with the Surrey Hills Adventure Company offering a range of sports on the water. The recently opened café will provide lunch for us as we enjoy stunning views across the lake.
After lunch, Duncan will explain a little about the earlier sand extraction activities and the development of the plan to repurpose the site. After seeing the main facilities on the site, there will be an opportunity to walk round the lake and enjoy the tranquility and wildlife there.
Depending on whether you have driven or walked to the lake, you can either leave from here, take a short walk back to the village to pick up your car or there will be the opportunity to be ferried back by car.
As the event is largely outdoors, clothing suitable for the weather conditions on the day are essential. With any luck, we might need sunscreen and hats. Those who want to do the walk from the village to the lake will need strong walking shoes.
The village visit and the first part of the lake visit should be accessible to all as it is mainly on paved areas. The total length of this part of the walk is probably no more than 1 ½ miles. The walk across the fields and later round the lake is more demanding although not difficult.
This event is not suitable for children or dogs.
Cost to Members: £35. Cost to non-members only as a guest of a Member: £40
Coffee at the start and lunch with soft drink is included. Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.
You should not attend if you are feeling unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms and, if you need to cancel, please let us know. If government advice alters prior to the event, we may implement changes or cancellation at short notice.
At this time we are taking online or telephone bookings only. We are currently not able to accept postal bookings. We will give you more detailed joining instructions once your booking is confirmed and nearer the time.
Enquiries please contact us at or on mobile 07530 949302.
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