Bookings are closed for this event.
22nd March 2020, 09:00 - 16:30
Sponsored Walk on the North Downs Way
With the Mayor of Waverley
or join us for Afternoon Tea
at Farnham Town Hall to celebrate our finish
with the Mayor of Farnham
Sunday 22nd March 2020
All day event
9.00am until 4.30pm
The Mayor of Waverley (Cllr Mary Foryszewski) has nominated the Mane Chance Sanctuary in Compton as one of the charities for her mayoral year. Working in partnership with Surrey Hills Society, Mary will be undertaking a sponsored walk along the North Downs Way from Guildford to Farnham. The walk will end with a celebratory afternoon tea which will be hosted by the Mayor of Farnham at Farnham Town Hall. Other Surrey Mayors have been invited to join Mary on the walk, or be there to greet her at the end of the day.
Surrey Hills Society members, friends and supporters and members of the public are invited to join her for all or part of her route.
The 11 mile route will start in Guildford, with an extended coffee break at Watts Gallery, Compton, where we will hear about the work of Mary’s chosen charity, Mane Chance Sanctuary as well as learning about Watts Gallery. Some people may just wish to walk from Guildford to Watts Gallery and enjoy the coffee break and not participate on the afternoon walk. After Watts Gallery we then continue on through the lovely Hampton Estate and the old hop fields of Puttenham breaking for a bring your own picnic on the trail.
There are therefore 3 options in relation to the walk.
If you choose to have coffee at Watts Gallery there is a single charge of £3 to cover the refreshment cost. (Please choose Refreshment Option A if booking online).
We will arrive in Farnham at 3.30pm where you can choose to join the Mayor of Farnham and other dignitaries for afternoon tea at an additional cost of £5. If you wish to do this you also need to select Refreshment Option B if booking online.
You should note that the North Downs Way is hilly and has variable unmade surfaces. Consequently, the event is not suitable for children, those with hip or knee problems or who are unable to maintain a reasonable pace. Obedient dogs on leads are welcome. We would re-emphasise that the event is definitely not suitable for anyone with mobility challenges.
The main reason for the walk is to raise funds for the Mayor’s charity, Mane Chance, along with encouraging people to come out and enjoy the Surrey Hills plus benefitting from a bit of exercise. Surrey Hills Society is managing the administration of the walk.
Please find sponsors so we can raise funds for the Mayor’s chosen charity – Mane Chance Horse Sanctuary.
On the topic of sponsorship there are options as to how you can donate:
(1) Whether or not you are participating, you may wish to sponsor the Mayor of Waverley. This can be done by clicking on the link below and making reference that your donation is in relation to the Mayor of Waverley’s charity walk.
(2) If you prefer to use a paper based sponsorship form, please download the attached sponsorship form. Please make cheques payable to “Mane Chance Sanctuary” and hand to the Mayor on the day.
This event is open to all but pre-booking is essential so we know the numbers on the day. To join us either book online (NB Choose one of the three walk options plus each refreshment option if required and option 6 if applicable) or complete and return the attached form to arrive at Warren Farm Barns before Friday 13th March 2020. Please include your e-mail address or a stamped addressed envelope so you may be sent full details, directions and locations for the event.
For further details and enquiries, contact us at or
Chris Howard – mob:07879 841000.
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