Bookings are closed for this event.
1st February 2022, 18:00 - 19:00
A talk by Kathy Atherton
“A Surrey Common – Uses and Abuses over 1,000 Years”
Tuesday 1 February 2022
6pm – 7pm
Online via Zoom
Kathy Atherton of Dorking Museum and author of The Lost Villages – a History of the Holmwoods, will talk to us about the uses and importance of commons in general using examples from Holmwood Common.
Although Kathy will be particularly referencing Holmwood Common, a large area of land south of Dorking, she will confirm that much of her talk is applicable to all commons including the ones that people know as well as some that have been lost. She will cover how the commons came into being, what they were ‘for’, how valuable they have been and how vital they are to the local economies. Commons have been exploited for generations and the evidence of it is all over them. Some have managed to survive and we will consider what they provide now.
Holmwood Common is a large area with woodlands, lots of wildlife and a pond all now managed by the National Trust.
We plan to follow this talk with a walk on Holmwood Common in the Spring when there will be an opportunity to see in reality some of the points of interest from the talk as well as the beautiful and varied natural environment.
The cost is £5 for members and £6.50 for non-members.
Please click on the brown button below to book your place.
Once you have booked your ticket, you will be sent the link to access the talk nearer the time. The meeting will open at 5.45pm in the hope that everyone will have joined in time to begin the talk at 6pm. The talk will last approximately an hour
Deadline for booking 27 January 2022.
Any enquiries please contact us at
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