Our visit to Godstone Caves


10 am Saturday morning July 29th 2023 saw 9 SHS members gathered in a wood near Godstone, eager to be taken down into Godstone Caves.

The members were being escorted by enthusiastic leaders from the Wealden Cave & Mine Society for what turned out to be a memorable excursion underground.


This was not about walking into a nicely prepared, well-lit set of chambers. This event, unlike any other on the Society’s list, was about getting down on all fours, crawling through narrow tunnels, clambering over rock falls and spending much time stooped below low ceilings.

The caves – or more properly, a mine- which date from ancient times were worked up to the end of the 19th century for the extraction of Firestone and Reigate Hearthstone, some of the latter being used at the Tower of London.

Evidence of all this past industrial activity is all around, as are the extensive remnants of mushroom beds which were extensively worked in later years. Abandoned rail and cart tracks are seen throughout.

The leader of the trip- Che – was knowledgeable and kept us informed throughout the two hours underground. We emerged at 12.30 to warm sunshine and refreshments provided by Stella.

Our grateful thanks to the Wealden Cave and Mine Society members who gave their time so generously. This was a visit for the physically fit but I do hope we can return for another visit before too long.

Stella Cantor