Surrey is home to some of our nation’s oldest trees – many are over one thousand years old! To celebrate these trees, we are creating a special Children’s Book with children’s author Lucy Reynolds, children’s illustrator Katie Hickey, and a group of budding book creators from a local primary school.
You also have the chance to be part of this exciting project! We are asking children all across Surrey to help us design the endpapers that will go inside the cover of the book. Read on to find out more about how to be involved…
What is this competition?
We are running a children’s design competition to help create the endpapers for The Thousand Year Tree children’s book, which is being created to celebrate Surrey’s ancient trees.
This book will be distributed to schools and libraries in Surrey and is being developed as a creative collaboration between Lucy Reynolds, author; Katie Hickey, illustrator; the Surrey Hills Society; the Guildford Book Festival; Surrey County Council; and Weyfield Primary Academy, Guildford.
What are endpapers?
Endpapers are the pages that are glued inside the front and back covers of a book. These are often beautifully designed and are a very important part of the overall look and feel of a book.
Here are some examples:

Who can take part in the competition?
Any child living in Surrey aged between 4 and 11.
Are there any age categories?
There are two age categories for the competition:
● Key Stage 1 (age 4 to 6)
● Key Stage 2 (age 7 to 11)
What is the competition brief?
We would like you to design the endpapers for The Thousand Year Tree children’s book.
You can use any medium you wish – paint, pencils, chalk, oils, pastels
You can include textures from nature if you wish, such as rubbings or collage.
We will be looking for designs that are:
● Botanical
● Beautiful
● Informative
● Themed around trees
● Themed around nature
● Themed around the passing of time or seasons
When is the deadline?
Wednesday 4th September 2024
How do I apply?
● Collect an application form from your local library or download here
● Create your design using the template, keeping within the border
● Add your name, age and contact details to the form
● Return your completed application to your local library in Surrey.
What is the prize?
We will have a first, second and third prize for each age group. Prizes include book bundles and bookshop tokens.
The overall winner of the competition will have their design printed within the endpapers of The Thousand Year Tree book.
How will I know if I have won?
Please ensure that you have provided a grown ups’ email for each application. Winners and runners up will be notified by email by the middle of October. If you haven’t heard from us by then, please do assume that you have not been lucky this time, but thank you very much for taking part!
Will I get my design back?
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to return competition entries. If your design is very precious to you, please do photocopy it before you submit it.
Who do I contact for help?
For any questions, please contact info@surreyhillssociety.org For full competition terms and conditions, please click here