Bookings are closed for this event.
6th June 2024, 14:00 - 16:00
We are delighted to have the opportunity of seeing this beautifully designed 6 acre garden in the folds of the Surrey Hills. The house (which is not open to the public) dates back to the mid-16th century.
In 1916 the then owner Lady Guillemard commissioned Gertrude Jekyll to design a plan for the garden as well as specific plants for select borders and it is thought that some recently discovered drawings are believed to be hers. Copies of the 1916 Gertrude Jekyll garden plans will be on display.
The Rose Walk is still there with the Ballerina rose underplanted with lavender and next to it is a rectangular lawn laid out in the place where the Nut Wall (a Jekyll staple) would have been.
Established trees and shrubs shape the layout of the garden creating stunning vistas and quiet areas such as the box parterre next to the house containing Iceberg roses. After displays of spring shrubs like rhododendron, magnolia and azaleas roses follow everywhere as well as colourful herbaceous plants.
There is much else to see including the white topiary garden with fish pond, kitchen garden, greenhouses, orchard and fruit cage which all make for seasonal interest.
On arrival, everyone will be given a plan of the garden so that we can all get our bearings. Georginal Harvey’s gardener will be at the garden during our visit and be available to show us around. There will also be a selection of plants for sale so don’t forget to bring some cash, just in case something takes your fancy!
The cost to include home-made teas will be £16 for members and £19 for non-members.
Members might like to know that the current owner, Georgina Harvey, has raised thousands for many different charities and last year made over £4,000 through open days and group visits.
The event is not suitable for dogs.
Deadline for booking 1 June 2024
Any enquiries please contact us at
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